Gear up for the massive Double-11 Festival with the "Copy One-Page Store" feature! 🤩 In just 3 easy steps, you can copy and apply your existing store name, SEO settings, and store design, allowing you to publish a new "One-Page Store" in no time! ⚡️
✴️ One-Page Store field duplication
✴️ 3 Steps: Copy, Save, and Publish
💥 Remarks
年終大檔雙 𝟭𝟭 在即,您準備好了嗎?使用「複製獨立分潤賣場」功能,複製並套用曾設定的賣場名稱、SEO 與頁面設計,上線新賣場只要 𝟯 步驟!
✴️ 獨立分潤賣場複製欄位
✴️ 三步驟複製、套用並上架
💥 注意事項
Great news for online store owners! The "Purchase Order" is now available to you too. You can handle all purchase-related tasks directly in the SHOPLINE Admin, without the need for switching tabs or using additional apps 🤩
The following are all purchase order-related features you can use:
Step 1
Go to Admin > [Inventory Management] > [Purchase Order], and create a new purchase order.
Step 2
In the "Purchase Store" section, select the name of your online store, and it will become the target store of this purchase order!
Step 3
Proceed to select personnel, delivery date, and purchase items. Once everything is set up, simply click Create purchase order, and you're all done! 🤘
Isn't it easy and lovely? Now let's create the 1st purchase order for your online store 📦
⚠️ Remarks
網店店家有福了!實體店家必備的進貨單功能即刻同步支援網店,您可以在 SHOPLINE 後台一次處理所有進貨相關事宜,免跳轉、免額外紀錄程式 🤩
Step 1
前往「SHOPLINE 商店後台 > 庫存管理 > 進貨單」,新增進貨單。
Step 2
Step 3
現在就快來開啟您第一張網店進貨單吧 📦
To address the regulatory differences in various countries/regions, SHOPLINE introduces "Auto-check account creation and marketing consent options at checkout", allowing merchants to run their stores with greater flexibility and better operation.
🕹️ How to set up?
Toggle ON: Option checked by default
Toggle OFF: Option not checked by default
Here is what the settings look like on Taiwan store.
🚨 Remarks
因應各國家/地區的法規差異與要求,SHOPLINE 支援自訂「結帳頁會員/權益預設勾選項目」,有助於您更彈性且審慎地營運網店。
🕹️ 設定步驟
🚨 注意事項
Want to track inventory more effectively? The new Inventory Report is your best solution! It offers a variety of filtering options, allowing you to quickly export key data. Use it now and improve inventory efficiency like a boss ✅
✨ Straightforward operation
Go to Admin > [Inventory Management] > [Inventory]. Click "Export inventory report" to export the Inventory Report that covers data from on/offline stores.
✨ Refined filtering conditions
You can apply multiple filters to export the data you want to focus on. You can also search for products using keywords 🤩
✨ Comprehensive data coverage
The new Inventory Report adds two highly useful fields -- "Preorder limits" and "Pending delivery quantity", making it easier for you to confirm the minimum restock quantity 🤘
還在煩惱如何有效追蹤庫存?新版庫存報表是您的最佳解方!SHOPLINE 新版庫存報表支援多元篩選條件,讓您快速匯出重點資料,有感提升庫存效率 ✅
✨ 操作超直覺!
在「商店後台 > 庫存管理 > 庫存」,在庫存管理頁點按「匯出庫存報表」即可匯出線上線下整合的完整庫存報表。
✨ 篩選更細緻!
您可以套用多種篩選條件,匯出您最目前最需要關注的資料。也可以關鍵字搜尋商品呦 🤩
✨ 資料更全面!
📣 優惠快報❗️SHOPLINE Payments 與 AFTEE先享後付 合作優惠正式開跑啦~新用戶凡消費即享 10% 回饋,好康錯過不再,心動不如馬上行動 🚀
SHOPLINE Payments 與 AFTEE先享後付 首波合作,推出限量行銷補助 💰
⏰ 活動限時限量只到 2024/12/31,早開通早享受!
⭐️ 活動一:新用戶單筆消費不限金額,結帳現折 10%(最高折抵 150 元)。
⭐️ 活動二:新用戶單筆消費滿 3,000 元,結帳現折 200 元。
► 活動一及活動二皆無須登錄,於 AFTEE 結帳頁面將直接現折,並由系統擇優判斷折扣,無法疊加累折,每帳號限回饋乙次。
► 新用戶為限初次使用「AFTEE先享後付」結帳者。(未曾於任何一個平台、通路使用 AFTEE先享後付 之服務)
AFTEE 先買後付,讓您購物簡單便利又安心
1️⃣ 簡單:免註冊會員、免綁卡、免下載 APP。
2️⃣ 便利:輸入手機號碼,經認證後即可結帳。
3️⃣ 安心:先確認商品/服務,之後再付款。